Grapes in yogurt jelly

Cooking time: 2 h 30 min
Servings: 2 servings
Calories: 145 kcal

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

1. Remove the grapes from the brush, sort and rinse thoroughly. Cut each berry in half, remove the seeds. *We do not recommend using seedless grapes for this dessert. The finished dish of small raisins will not look so impressive. 2. Pour grape juice into a saucepan, bring to a boil. Remove from heat, add gelatin, stir until completely dissolved. Let cool to room temperature, stirring occasionally. * If you are preparing a dessert from black grapes, boil dark and light juice separately and add 3.5 g of gelatin to each. 3. Arrange the berries in glasses, filling them halfway. Fill a large bowl with ice cubes. Put the glasses in it at an inclination of about 45 degrees. You can fix the glasses at an angle not only with the help of ice, but also with the help of dry beans. However, ice performs another function - jelly in this case freezes faster. 4. Pour juice with gelatin into glasses, standing at an angle, so that it just covers the berries. The second half of the glasses should remain free. Put the bowl with glasses in the refrigerator until the grape jelly has completely solidified. 5. When the jelly hardens, add yogurt to the remaining grape juice with gelatin, mix thoroughly. 6. Take the glasses out of the refrigerator, put them upright and pour in the yogurt mixed with the juice. Put it back in the fridge until completely solidified.


0.5 cup low-fat natural yogurt
ice cubes
100 g white grapes
1 glass of light grape juice
7 g gelatin


Gelatin Yogurt Grape
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