Feel sick, Cottage cheese, Semolina, Sun-dried tomatoes, Lazy dumplings

Unsweetened lazy dumplings

Unsweetened lazy dumplings

We are used to eating lazy dumplings with sugar and sour cream or condensed milk. But there is no less delicious and healthier option!


Servings 4
  • 500 g dry cottage cheese with a fat content of 5–9%
  • 4-6 sun-dried tomatoes in oil
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 5-7 sprigs of parsley
  • 3 art. l. semolina
  • 120-150 g flour + more for dusting
  • salt, freshly ground black pepper
  • parmesan for serving
  • butter for serving


Step 1

Unsweetened lazy dumplings

Finely chop the tomatoes in oil. Chop the parsley. Crush, peel and mince the garlic. Now chop everything together.

Step 2

Unsweetened lazy dumplings

Mix cottage cheese with herbs, garlic and tomatoes, a spoonful of tomato oil, salt and pepper until smooth. Add semolina and flour, mix as thoroughly as possible. You should have a dough that doesn't stick to your hands. Divide the dough into 5 parts.

Step 3

Unsweetened lazy dumplings

Dipping your hands in flour, roll each piece into a 2 cm sausage and place on a floured board. Cover with cling film and refrigerate for at least 1 hour, up to 12 hours.

Step 4

Boil water in a large saucepan, season with salt. Dipping the knife in boiling water, cut off pieces of cottage cheese sausage and throw into the water. Lazy dumplings are ready when they float.

Step 5

Grease the bottom of each plate with butter. Remove the dumplings with a slotted spoon into plates, season with more oil, sprinkle with parmesan and serve.
