Easter, Easter recipes, Curd Easter, Easter menu

Quick Easter with Butter

Quick Easter with Butter

This Easter without eggs differs from many others in its characteristic contradictory consistency.


Servings 6
  • 500 g dry cottage cheese with a fat content of 5–9%
  • 180 g butter
  • 200 ml cream with 30–48% fat
  • 1 can (350 g) condensed milk
  • 150 g dry shortbread
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • raisins or almonds for garnish


Step 1

Quick Easter with Butter

Melt and slightly cool the butter. Put the cookies in a bag and roll with a rolling pin to make small crumbs and “dust”. Mix crushed biscuits with 3 tbsp. l. butter and 1 tbsp. l. condensed milk.

Step 2

Quick Easter with Butter

Bring cottage cheese, remaining butter, condensed milk and cream to room temperature. Put all these products in a deep bowl and beat with a submersible blender until smooth.

Step 3

Quick Easter with Butter

Add vanilla essence and beat again. The mass should be completely smooth, without a single lump.

Step 4

Cover the Easter mold with several layers of gauze so that the edges hang down. Lay out the curd mass.

Step 5

Lay on top of the curd mass (the future basis of Easter) the mass of cookies, trying to distribute it as evenly as possible. Cover with the hanging edges of cheesecloth and refrigerate for at least 4 hours, up to 24 hours if possible. Garnish with raisins or almonds before serving.
