Jacket potatoes with ginger, vegetables and turmeric

Cooking time: 25 min
Servings: 2


There are many ways to cook potatoes. It can be boiled in a saucepan, baked in the oven or microwave, fried in a pan or in a deep fryer. The easiest and fastest recipe is jacket potatoes. As an independent dish or side dish, it will delight your family and friends.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Jacket potatoes with ginger, vegetables and turmeric

We take young potatoes. Mine is good. Next, cut into 4 pieces. I also wash the carrots, but already peel them, cut them into about 5-6 parts (depending on the size of the carrot).

Step 2

Add cilantro roots to the water (if you don't like cilantro, take parsley) tied with a string. Salt. When the water boils, put the bay leaf. It turns out very fragrant.

Step 3

Jacket potatoes with ginger, vegetables and turmeric

We take butter, if there is ghee, then this is a wonderful variation. We melt. Fry everything until golden brown. We season with spices. My version is turmeric, a mixture of four peppers (black, red, white, yellow).

Step 4

We cut the carrots already pre-boiled. Fry the bell pepper until half cooked, salt to taste. Add cilantro, two cloves of garlic and grated ginger. We close the lid. We are waiting for the potatoes to be saturated with fragrant all spices and herbs.

Step 5

Enjoy your meal!


young potatoes - 4 pcs.
carrots - 1 pc.
cilantro - 100 g
ginger - 20 g
bell pepper - 1 pc.
onion - 1 pc.
garlic - 2 cloves
turmeric - to taste
a mixture of four peppers - to taste
bay leaf - 2 pcs.
salt - to taste


Vegetables Potato Ginger
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