Cream, Panna cotta, Desserts, Cream dessert

Pannacotta with apricots in light almond syrup

Pannacotta with apricots in light almond syrup

Panna cotta... The most delicate creamy jelly that will melt the heart of any dessert lover... Panna cotta is a relatively "light" dessert in every sense - low in calories and prepared in an elementary way. You just have to cook it


Servings 6
  • gelatin 8 g
  • cream (33-35%) 250 g
  • milk 3.2% 125 g
  • sugar 60 g
  • apricots 6 pcs.
  • sugar (for apricots) 2 tbsp.
  • almonds 6 pcs.


Step 1

Let's prepare the gelatin. If you have a sheet (this is ideal), then twist the sheet and put it in a glass of cold water so that the water completely covers. If powdered, then pour it with 48 ml of cold water and leave for 10 minutes for the gelatin to swell.

Step 2

In a saucepan, combine cream and milk. If you want to make panna cotta with vanilla flavor, at this stage add natural vanilla (cut the pod, remove all the seeds, place the seeds with the pod into the milk mixture). And most importantly, do not replace the natural pod with any vanillins and other chemical essences. It is better not to add anything at all (as in my case).

Step 3

Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring the mixture to a boil. When it boils, remove from heat, pull out the pod, we will not need it (the mixture can be filtered). Next, you need to add gelatin, but remember that gelatin "works" at about 80 ° C, so do not put gelatin in boiling water, let it cool a little. If the gelatin is sheet, just take it out of the water and squeeze it a little. If powdered, transfer the entire contents to the milk mixture. Next, stir with a whisk until the gelatin "disperses".

Step 4

Pour the mixture into silicone molds. I have molds with a diameter of about 6 cm and a depth of about 7 cm. This amount of mixture makes about 6 such molds. And put the molds in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours (overnight). To remove the panna cotta, you need to lower the mold into a cup of very hot water for literally 10 seconds - the jelly will pop out with a whistle.

Step 5

To cook apricots in syrup, you need to wash the apricots, remove the stone, cut into 4-8 parts. Put them in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar, add a couple of tablespoons of water and cook the syrup over medium heat until caramelized (7-10 minutes)

Step 6

Decorate the panna cotta laid out on a serving plate with slices of apricots, pour over with syrup and sprinkle with chopped almonds. This delicious dessert is so easy and simple to make!
