Gelatin, Mayonnaise, Ham, Horseradish, Basil

Ham rolls


Servings 10 servings
  • 4 pickles
  • 1 Art. l. dried basil
  • 4 tbsp. l. mayonnaise
  • 2 tbsp. l. gelatin powder
  • 2–3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 100 g table horseradish
  • 500 g boiled ham
  • 200 g hard cheese
  • 30 g parsley


Step 1

Cut the ham into very thin slices, about 1.5 mm thick. * You can buy ready-made cuts or ask the seller to cut a piece of ham thinly.

Step 2

Wash greens, dry and finely chop. Mix horseradish with mayonnaise in a bowl, add chopped herbs and dried basil, mix thoroughly. * For this dish, we use table horseradish and mayonnaise without adding any spices and spices. There is no need to salt or pepper the filling.

Step 3

Soak gelatin in a small amount of boiled water, let it swell, then put on a small fire and heat, stirring constantly, until completely dissolved. Remove from heat, let cool slightly, strain through a fine sieve and add to the mixture of horseradish and mayonnaise. Mix.

Step 4

Roll the ham slices into a cone, for convenience put in wide glasses and fill with the resulting filling. Allow the filling to harden, then transfer it to a serving dish.

Step 5

OPTION: Hot rolls with cheese Cut pickles and cheese into cubes of the same size, put on ham; roll up the rolls, secure them with wooden toothpicks.

Step 6

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry the ham rolls until golden brown (4 minutes). Lay out on a serving platter.
