Vegetable fritters

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

vegetable fritters

Grate mozzarella.

Step 2

vegetable fritters

Grate vegetables (zucchini, potatoes, carrots) into small strips in a ratio of 1:1:1. Juice does not need to be squeezed.

Step 3

vegetable fritters

Mix egg, sour cream, kefir.

Step 4

vegetable fritters

Add potatoes first, stir. Now it won't get dark. Then add zucchini, carrots, mix. Stir in cheese.

Step 5

vegetable fritters

Grind sun-dried tomatoes, greens, cut a little cheese into slices, if desired, you can add a chopped clove of garlic.

Step 6

vegetable fritters

Combine all ingredients. Add 5-6 tablespoons of oatmeal. Leave for 30-40 minutes to swell. Salt, pepper just before the formation of pancakes so that the vegetables do not secrete juice. Form pancakes, it turned out 8 pieces.

Step 7

vegetable fritters

Roll each in breadcrumbs and immediately spread on a frying pan heated with vegetable oil.

Step 8

vegetable fritters

Fry pancakes until golden brown on each side, do not cover. Very tasty, juicy and healthy!


cereal flakes 8 tbsp
zucchini 1 pc.
carrot 1 pc.
potatoes 1 pc.
mozzarella 70 g
chicken egg 1 pc.
sour cream 1 tbsp.
kefir 2 tbsp.
white pepper 1 g
salt 1 g
dried tomatoes 2 pcs.
greens 1 bunch(s)


Mozzarella Pancakes
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