Pancakes with cottage cheese in creamy and raspberry sauce from Alena Solodovichenko

Cooking time: 1 h
Servings: 6

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

To make the pancakes, whisk the eggs, sugar and salt in a bowl. Gradually add flour, stirring constantly, until the dough has the consistency of sour cream. Add milk and butter, mix and leave for 15 minutes at room temperature. Grease a heated frying pan with butter and bake pancakes.

Step 2

To prepare the creamy sauce, pour milk into a pan, dissolve sugar and vanilla in it. Add cream, butter, salt and egg yolks. Cook for 5 minutes, then add flour while stirring constantly. Boil until boiling.

Step 3

To prepare raspberry sauce, sprinkle fresh raspberries with sugar, add a little water and cook until tender. Strain.

Step 4

To prepare the filling, combine cottage cheese with sour cream, add vanilla and sugar. Stir and wrap the filling in ready-made pancakes. Before serving, heat the pancakes and put on a plate over the raspberry and cream sauce.


500 ml milk
3 tbsp sunflower oil
280 g wheat flour
1 tbsp. Sahara
1 tsp year
3 eggs
50 g butter
250 g raspberries
100 g sugar
1 tsp vanilla sugar
250 g cottage cheese 2% fat
150 g sugar
600 g sour cream
3 g vanilla
3 egg yolks
150 g butter
150 g milk
15 g wheat flour
75 g sugar
150 g cream with 38% fat
1 tsp year
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