Salad mix with radish and egg

Cooking time: 15 min
Servings: 4


A very light salad will cheer you up with its brightness and give you a vitamin boost!

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Boil the eggs in boiling water for 5 minutes, peel, cut into 4 slices or 4 longitudinal ovals. Wash the lettuce leaves, dry them, tear them into small pieces with your hands. Cut the radish into thin slices. Bulgarian pepper cut into strips. Finely chop a few basil leaves with a knife.

Step 2

Put salads on a part of the dish in a slide, sprinkle with chopped basil and decorate with whole basil leaves. Fan out the eggs on the rest of the dish. Place radishes and pink chard stalks in a strip between eggs and salads. Put the chopped pepper in the center of the composition.

Step 3

Dress the salad with balsamic vinegar, oil and salt. Pepper the eggs lightly. Add a strip of radishes and chard stalks with ground paprika. A light and quick salad in a modern serving is ready!


iceberg lettuce 1 bunch
arugula 1 bunch
chard (leaf beet) 0.5 bunch
purple basil 0.5 bunch
radish 6-8 pcs.
bell pepper 2 pcs.
eggs 4 pcs.
balsamic vinegar 2 tbsp. l.
olive oil 3 tbsp. l.
coarse salt 2 pinches
ground black pepper
ground paprika
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