Honey, Cherry, Grapefruit juice, Sorbet, Drinks

Cocktail 1001 WT

The beauty of this cocktail is not only in its winning form, but also in the combination of flavors. Sweet, bitter and sour coexist harmoniously in one glass and feel - next to each other - wonderful. What we wish you too!


Servings 1
  • 3 walnuts
  • 30 ml locust honey syrup
  • 80 ml freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
  • 30 ml cherry syrup
  • 2 scoops lemon sorbet
  • ice


Step 1

Pour 2/3 crushed ice into a blender.

Step 2

Add all ingredients, beat until smooth.

Step 3

Pour bamboo into a glass and serve immediately.
