Pancakes on kefir with holes
Our pancakes on kefir with holes are just a dream of a hostess who wants to get just such a “lace” result. It is achieved through a special technology, according to which a fermented milk product is first added to the dough, and at the very end it is brewed with boiling water. As a result, pancakes are very thin (of course, if you do not pour two ladles into the pan at once), tender, with numerous holes on the surface. And in the process of final heating in a warm oven, they are saturated with oil and acquire a light sugar crust. Such pancakes on kefir with holes are perfect for Shrovetide, and for any other day when you want something special.
Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions
Step 1
Prepare dough for pancakes on kefir with holes. Beat the eggs with a mixer with regular and vanilla sugar until a fluffy mass of a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Add vodka, salt and beat again. Pour in kefir and stir. Sift the flour and, stirring constantly, gradually pour into the mixture until the dough acquires the consistency of thick sour cream.
Step 2
Pour soda into a bowl, pour apple cider vinegar and mix. Add to pancake dough on kefir. Pour in vegetable oil and mix thoroughly with a spatula. Leave for 20 minutes at room temperature.
Step 3
Then, whisking pancake dough on kefir with a large whisk, gradually pour boiling water in a thin stream. The result should be a mass of the consistency of liquid sour cream.
Step 4
Heat a pan for frying pancakes and grease with a small amount of vegetable oil. Pour in some batter and spread it all over the pan in a circular motion. Bake 1.5 minutes. Then turn the pancake over and brown on the other side.
Step 5
Thus, bake all pancakes on kefir. Ready lightly grease with butter, sprinkle with sugar and fold in four. Place in a small saucepan.
Step 6
Sprinkle pancakes on kefir with the remaining sugar and put about 100 g of butter on top. Cover tightly and place in a warm (heated and then turned off oven) for 2 hours.
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