Syrniki, Breakfasts

Cheesecakes with sour cream

Who doesn't love cheesecakes for breakfast? There are none, or very few. Who cooks delicious cheesecakes himself? There are much fewer of these. Here's another recipe for you. Perhaps he will become your favorite.


Servings 12 pcs
  • cottage cheese 9% 500 g
  • sugar 70 g
  • flour 70 g
  • egg 50 g
  • vanilla extract (liquid) 10 g
  • salt 1 g
  • vegetable oil 100 g
  • powdered sugar 5 g


Step 1

Mix all ingredients in a bowl.

Step 2

Form meatballs approximately 20 gr. Then fry the cheesecakes in a large amount of hot vegetable oil.

Step 3

Put the finished cheesecakes on a plate, sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

Step 4

Serve with sour cream.
