Banana, Berries, Cottage cheese, Strawberry, Chokeberry, Pudding, Casserole, Cottage cheese casserole, Desserts, Healthy breakfast

Delicate cottage cheese pudding without flour, butter and sugar with chokeberry and strawberries

Delicate cottage cheese pudding without flour, butter and sugar with chokeberry and strawberries

Either an original breakfast, or an unusual dessert - choose for yourself. The most delicate airy texture, amazing taste and most importantly - not a gram of sugar and flour! You can use any berries you like.


Servings 2
  • 1 pack low-fat favorite cottage cheese (200 g)
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream or yogurt (for a very light option)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp. l. cornstarch
  • berries (I put 4 frozen strawberries and 5 blackberries in each jar)
  • a little vegetable oil for lubrication (ideally coconut oil)
  • 1/2 banana (can be frozen)
  • a handful of strawberries


Step 1

Beat cottage cheese very well with sour cream, and continuing to beat, add two eggs.

Step 2

Add vanilla extract, cornstarch and beat again.

Step 3

Lubricate the inside of each jar with vegetable oil (I lubricated with coconut oil), put the berries on the bottom and fill with the curd mixture.

Step 4

Place the jars in a high rimmed dish and fill halfway with water. Place the mold in a warm oven and cook at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes. (need to look).

Step 5

For the Strawberry Banana Sauce, simply blend a handful of strawberries with 1/2 banana (or frozen, for contrast) in a blender. When the pudding is ready, pour the sauce over it.
