Scallop, Carpaccio

Murmansk scallop carpaccio


Servings 1
  • chilled scallop - 100 g
  • citrus-cucumber sauce - 30 g
  • cucumber - 10 g
  • lemon peel - 2 g
  • orange peel - 2 g
  • orange juice - 10 g
  • lemon juice - 3 g
  • salt - 1 g
  • olive oil - 10 g
  • watercress - 2 g


Step 1

Cut the cooled scallop thinly across, put on a plate.

Step 2

Separately, prepare the sauce, for this, in a blender, beat olive oil, lemon and orange zest without the white part, cucumber and lemon and orange juice until smooth.

Step 3

Gently pour over the scallop carpaccio sauce.

Step 4

Garnish with finely grated lemon and orange zest, garnish with watercress leaves.
