Wild leek, Blanks, Marinade, Breakfast, Salted wild garlic

Salted wild garlic for the winter


  • 1 kg wild garlic stalks
  • 50 g non-iodized salt


Step 1

Rinse the wild garlic and put in a jar.

Step 2

Bring 1 liter of water to a boil, add salt, let it dissolve completely. Strain and let cool.

Step 3

Pour wild garlic with cold brine, cover with a wooden circle, put oppression on top, cover with a cloth, leave in a dark place for 2 weeks.

Step 4

If foam appears on the surface, then it must be removed and the oppression washed with saline.

Step 5

After 2 weeks, the jar can be closed and put away in a cold place for storage.
