Potato, Eggs, Cucumbers, Herring, Fish pate

Potato and herring pate

The preparation of this pate gives maximum scope for imagination. You can shape the pâté in almost any shape, approach the process with humor and amuse your guests. We decided to fashion a fish with cucumber scales.


Servings 6 servings
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • 2 tbsp. l. thick sour cream
  • 2 herring lightly salted
  • 3 boiled egg whites
  • 3 boiled egg yolks
  • onion - 1 onion
  • 600 g potatoes
  • 200 g pickles
  • For registration:


Step 1

Wash potatoes, peel, cut into large pieces, boil without salt in boiling water. Drain water, mash potatoes. Peel and chop the onion. Cut the herring, chop together with the yolks.

Step 2

Mix everything thoroughly. Add sour cream and mix again. Put the potato mass on a dish and give it the shape of a fish.

Step 3

Cut one cucumber into thin strips, the rest into semicircles. Lay semicircles on potatoes in the form of fish scales. From the stripes make a tail and fins.
