Jam, Pine cones, Cone jam

Pine cone jam

Jam is made only from very young cones collected in May. It well treats diseases of the respiratory system, bronchial asthma, diseases of the throat and gums, helps with beriberi. And it's just very unusual and memorable.


  • 1 kg young pine cones
  • 1 kg of sugar


Step 1

Rinse young cones, cover with cold water and leave to infuse overnight.

Step 2

On the second day, drain the water. Pour the cones with clean water (about 0.8-1 l), add sugar, bring to a boil over low heat and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and leave for 24 hours.

Step 3

Repeat boiling and steeping 2-3 times.

Step 4

Pour the finished jam hot into jars and roll up the lids.
