Peaches, Oranges, Compote, Peach recipes, Summer blanks, Pieces of peach, Peaches for the winter, Peach compote

Peach compote

How pleasant it is to open a jar of peach compote in winter, inhale its aroma and enjoy the magnificent taste of sunny fruits.


Servings 8
  • 1 kg peaches
  • 1 orange
  • 1 cup sugar, brown is best


Step 1

Wash the orange with a brush and remove the zest with ribbons. Squeeze out the juice from the orange.

Step 2

Peaches cut into quarters, remove the stones.

Step 3

Pour peaches and zest with sugar in a saucepan, let stand for 20 minutes, pour in 1.5 liters of cold water, bring to a boil, remove from heat.

Step 4

Pour in orange juice, roll into sterilized jars and cool completely. Refrigerate before serving.
