Mark Statsenko, Desserts, Delicious, Lean dessert, Funny Cabany, Original, Light, Sweet, Wild boar fans, Feijoa mousse, Meatless dishes, Feijoa, Mousse, Post

Feijoa mousse with coconut milk

Lenten dessert recipe from the restaurant menu.


Servings 1
  • feijoa mousse - 120 g (coconut milk - 300 g, feijoa jam - 210 g, Yuzu juice - 8 ml)
  • feijoa jam - 20 g
  • kiwi - 30 g
  • leaf mint - 2 g
  • puffed rice - 1 g
  • pumpkin chips - 2 g (peeled pumpkin - 110 g, ground cinnamon - 5 g)
  • compote pear - 15 g


Step 1

How to prepare the dessert: put all the ingredients in layers in a bowl, at the bottom of the pear and kiwi, jam, and then feijoa mousse.

Step 2

How to cook pumpkin chips: Sprinkle thinly sliced pumpkin with ground cinnamon and put in the oven for 6 hours at a temp. 60 degrees.

Step 3

How to prepare the mousse: mix all the ingredients and beat in a siphon (or in a blender if there is no siphon).
