Beef, White mushrooms, Foie gras, Meat dish

Beef with porcini mushrooms and foie gras


Servings 1
  • beef (tenderloin) - 140 g
  • white mushrooms - 80 g
  • vegetable oil - 40 g
  • salt - 2 g
  • pepper - 1 g
  • foie gras - 40 g
  • watercress - 1 g
  • truffle - 2 g
  • peeled potatoes - 160 g
  • beef demi-glace - 20 g
  • olive oil - 7 g
  • greens (thyme, rosemary) - 1 g
  • truffle oil - 1 g


Step 1

We clean the beef tenderloin from the veins, cut into medallions, salt, pepper. Fry in olive oil until desired doneness.

Step 2

We wash the porcini mushrooms, peel and cut into cubes, and then fry in vegetable oil.

Step 3

We wash the porcini mushrooms, peel and cut into cubes, and then fry in vegetable oil.

Step 4

We cut the potatoes in the form of noodles (pancakes), salt, pepper, add thyme, rosemary and olive oil. We fry in a frying pan in the form of a pancake, about 6 cm in diameter and about 1 cm high. Fry on both sides, then put in the oven for 10-12 minutes, at a temperature of 180 degrees C. Cook 2 potato pancakes (potato growths).
