Asparagus, Anchovies, Eggplant, Olives

Provencal Pie


Servings 8 servings
  • 20 g yeast
  • egg - 1 pc
  • 300 g sweet pepper
  • 150 ml of olive oil
  • 1 Art. l. chopped basil
  • a bunch of Provence herbs
  • For the filling:
  • 2 eggs, 300 ml cream
  • 200 g of asparagus
  • For test:
  • feel sick
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • 20 g pitted black olives
  • 15 anchovies
  • 200 g eggplant
  • 0.5 tbsp. salt
  • 200 g zucchini


Step 1

Knead the dough as for an open cheese pie: Mix flour and salt. Dilute the yeast in 2.5 cups of water, beat in the egg. Mix with flour until smooth. Roll out the dough. Beat eggs separately, add cream, chopped garlic, a pinch of salt, pepper, Provence herbs. Pour the dough into a pie dish, top with a mass of beaten eggs, place in the oven and bake for 10 minutes. at a temperature of 220ºС. Take the finished pie out of the oven. Cut vegetables into slices, season with olive oil and basil. Mix and fry for 5-7 minutes. on the grill or in the pan. Serve the pie garnished with fried vegetables, anchovies and olives.
