Pea, Soup, Pea soup

Pea soup with smoked meats

When we say "pea soup" we mean dry pea soup. This hearty, aromatic and very tasty soup is especially relevant in cold weather. There is nothing complicated in its preparation, moreover, it does not take much time. It is important to properly prepare dry peas and choose the right ingredients.


Servings 4
  • peas 250 g
  • onion 125 g
  • bacon 100 g
  • vegetable oil 10 g
  • carrots peeled 50 g
  • fresh frozen green peas 15 g
  • chorizo sausage 15 g
  • boiled mini potatoes 20 g
  • boiled carrots 10 g
  • thyme 2 g
  • salt 2 g
  • pepper 5 g


Step 1

Rinse the peas in cold running water and soak for 4-5 hours.

Step 2

Cut the onion into half rings and fry in vegetable oil for 5 minutes. Add bacon pieces and fry a little more. Then add thyme and soaked peas. Simmer a little more and pour 0.8-1 l of drinking water. Boil. After boiling, constantly remove the foam and stir. Reduce heat and cook until peas are fully cooked.

Step 3

Bring to taste and grind with a blender to a homogeneous consistency. Rub through a sieve.

Step 4

Return to saucepan. Add raw carrots cut into small cubes. Bring to a boil and remove from stove.

Step 5

Place thinly sliced bacon and chorizo on a plate. Sprinkle with blanched peas, boiled diced carrots, mini potatoes. Pour in soup.
