Pumpkin, Coconut milk, Topinambur, Post, Baked pumpkin, Cream soup, China Club, Andrey Likhachev, Recipes from the chef, Meatless dishes

Jerusalem artichoke cream soup with baked pumpkin


Servings 4
  • 260 g Jerusalem artichoke
  • 100 g potatoes
  • 30 g onion
  • 5 g garlic
  • 30 g leek
  • 1.2 l vegetable broth
  • 15 g olive oil
  • 210 g coconut milk
  • 8 pods of young peas (optional)
  • 200 g baked pumpkin
  • 8 g flax seeds
  • watercress for decoration
  • 120 g avocado
  • salt to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste


Step 1

Jerusalem artichoke, potatoes, leeks, onions and garlic cut into pieces of arbitrary shape and fry in olive oil. Add vegetable broth, bring to a boil, salt and leave for 20-30 minutes, brew. Process with a blender until smooth, add coconut milk, mix and bring to a boil again.

Step 2

Cut the baked pumpkin into small pieces. Place pumpkin and avocado slices, green peas and watercress in a deep plate, sprinkle with flax seeds. Pour over the soup just before serving.
