Empress, Guinea fowl recipes

Guinea fowl in mushroom stew


Servings 2
  • 2 caesar legs
  • 80 g champignons
  • 80 g oyster mushroom
  • 100 g cream 33%
  • 2 g thyme
  • 60 g vegetable oil
  • 6 g garlic
  • salt to taste
  • 16 g onion
  • 90 g tomatoes in their own juice
  • 1 g garlic
  • 1 g thyme
  • 5 g olive oil
  • 2 g white bread
  • sugar to taste
  • 20 g chanterelles
  • 10 g sorrel


Step 1

Put the legs in the oven at 110 degrees and simmer for about an hour until cooked (poke the meat with a fork, if the pink juice does not come out, then the meat is ready).

Step 2

Remove the bones from the leg. Before serving, place the meat in a preheated skillet and fry until crispy, about 2 minutes.

Step 3

Stew. Heat the vegetable oil, put the mushrooms. Lightly fry and add finely chopped garlic and thyme. Cook for 2 minutes.

Step 4

At the very end, add cream, evaporate them to a state slightly thicker than sour cream. Please note: the cream must not evaporate completely, otherwise you will only have mushrooms.

Step 5

Tomato sauce. Dry the bread, chop the onion into cubes.

Step 6

Fry the onion in olive oil, add the garlic and thyme. After 5 minutes, add the tomatoes and simmer the entire mixture until most of the liquid has evaporated from it.

Step 7

At the very end, put bread in the sauce (it will take the remaining liquid), add salt, pepper, sugar to taste. Mix everything in a blender until smooth.

Step 8

For decoration. Cut the chanterelles and deep fry in vegetable oil in a heated frying pan.

Step 9

Serve the legs with stew and sauce, garnish with chanterelles and fresh sorrel.
