Fruit, Apples, Berries, Eggs, Black currant, An omelette, Recipes with milk

Fruit and berry omelette

A very unusual and insanely delicious reading of the usual omelet. Suitable for dessert and for a full breakfast.


Servings 2
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • milk - 250-300 ml
  • berries, fruits - 2 handfuls
  • sugar, cinnamon - optional
  • vegetable oil in a frying pan


Step 1

Wash fruits, berries, what needs to be cut. I took frozen blackcurrants and apples.

Step 2

Beat the eggs with a mixer, add sugar (I did without it, it turned out sweet), milk. Pour into a frying pan, or into the dishes of a double boiler, you can also do it in the microwave (I cooked everywhere, I didn’t notice much difference in quality and taste, except perhaps in time). Add fruits, berries.

Step 3

Cook until the omelette is completely set, covering with a lid. You can sprinkle with cinnamon before serving. Very tasty hot!
