
Cheese burger

We could not pass by a burger that has three different cheeses - too many people really, really like melted cheese. In principle, you can choose the cheese to your taste, but first try the proposed option.


Servings 1
  • 1 bun with sesame
  • 200 g ground beef, preferably with beef butt and fat
  • 1 slice mozzarella
  • 1 slice cheddar cheese
  • 1 slice Emmental cheese
  • 2 leaves of Romano lettuce
  • 1 large slice of tomato
  • onion fries
  • homemade mayonnaise
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • salt


Step 1

Form a cutlet (“washer”) from minced meat. Fry, preferably on the grill, sprinkling with vegetable oil until fully cooked, 10-15 minutes. Salt.

Step 2

Top the patty with mozzaredda, cheddar cheese and emmental. Bake on the grill or in the oven. The cheese should just melt a little, not bubble and “leak”.

Step 3

Bake the bun also on the grill or in the oven so that it crunches a little.

Step 4

Lubricate the bottom of the bun with mayonnaise. Put lettuce leaves and a slice of tomato on it. Then a cutlet with melted cheeses. Garnish with French fries and carefully cover with the second half of the bread, also smeared with mayonnaise. Serve with pickled beets, french fries and ketchup.
