Strawberry, Drink, Milk shake, Recipes with milk, Strawberry drinks

Strawberry milkshake

Strawberry milkshake is liked by adults and children, desperate sweet tooth and those who usually treat all sorts of desserts very calmly. In general, everyone! And since the list of ingredients for this dish is very short, you need to select them very carefully. Let's start with strawberries. The fresher it is, the more aromatic the cocktail will be. And, of course, ideally, it is best to use a seasonal berry. As for ice cream, try to find the most natural, made without herbal additives. And finally, milk. It is better if it is whole, with a fat content of about 3.5-6%, and not fat-free. In general, the requirements are quite feasible, and the result - a refreshing, fragrant and tasty strawberry cocktail - exceeds all expectations!


Servings 2
  • strawberries - 180 g
  • powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • crushed ice - to taste
  • plumber - 160 g
  • milk - 300 ml


Step 1

Prepare strawberries. Rinse the berries carefully under running water and dry well on paper towels. Then peel the strawberries from the stalks.

Step 2

Set aside a few beautiful berries to decorate the cocktail. Coarsely chop the rest of the strawberries, put them in a blender bowl, sprinkle with powdered sugar and chop.

Step 3

Add ice and ice cream. Punch with a blender. Pour in the milk and mix thoroughly. Strawberry milkshake pour into tall glasses, garnish with berries and serve with straws.
