Vegetables, Vegetable salad, Couscous, Salads

Crispy vegetable salad with couscous

This salad is easier to make than you think. It is good for both lunch and dinner.


  • beets - 10 g
  • carrots - 10 g
  • fennel - 10 g
  • stalk of celery - 10 g
  • couscous boiled - 70 g
  • Greek yogurt - 50 g
  • cilantro - 5 g
  • chili pepper - 2 g
  • green apple - 100-150 g
  • cane sugar - 5 g
  • micrograss - for decoration
  • pesto sauce - 5 g


Step 1

Cut fresh vegetables and 10 g of apple into very small cubes, mix, add salt and olive oil.

Step 2

Peel the apple from the skin, chop finely. Put sugar into the pan, after a minute add the apple. Wait until the apple begins to caramelize. Keep on fire for a few more minutes, then punch the apple in a blender until puree.

Step 3

Finely chop the chili pepper, mix with yogurt.

Step 4

Put couscous mixed with vegetables on a plate, decorate with cilantro and microherbs. Place the salad dressing on the side of the couscous and top with the applesauce.
