Vegetables, Fruit caviar, Caviar, Baked vegetables, Squash caviar

Caviar from baked vegetables

Caviar from baked vegetables

Before the season of fresh vegetables is over, have time to make this amazing dietary caviar. The secret of this caviar is that the vegetables for it are not fried, but baked in a baking sleeve. In this way, a very rich vegetable taste will be preserved in the caviar. And no extra calories!


Servings 4
  • zucchini 2 pcs.
  • eggplant 1 pc.
  • sweet red pepper 1 pc.
  • onion 1 pc.
  • carrot 1 pc.
  • tomatoes 2 pcs.
  • garlic cloves 2 pcs.
  • chili pepper 1/16 pcs.
  • olive oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • pepper 2 pinches
  • salt


Step 1

In general, for this caviar, you can take any vegetables to taste in any combination. Seasonings - also to taste. Prepare a sleeve (or bag) for baking in the oven.

Step 2

Wash the vegetables, cut them randomly and put them in a large container. We shift the caviar into a jar and store in the refrigerator. I never prepare such things for the future. That is, I love fresh vegetables, freshly prepared caviar, etc. Canning is not mine at all :) If you want to prepare such caviar for the winter, close it in sterilized jars. Tasty and healthy!

Step 3

Add oil, salt, seasonings and mix.

Step 4

Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Fold the vegetables into a roasting sleeve, fasten the ends tightly.

Step 5

Place the sleeve with vegetables on a baking sheet, a baking sheet in the oven. During the baking process, the sleeve should inflate, and the vegetables should cook in their own juice. Cooking for about 1.5 hours.

Step 6

Cooking for about 1.5 hours. We take out the package, let it cool a little and open it (carefully, do not burn yourself with hot steam).

Step 7

Cooking blender. Stationary is best. But you can also submersible. We throw the vegetables into a colander - in the process of stewing a large amount of juice is formed - we will not need it.

Step 8

Transfer the vegetables to a blender and grind to a smooth puree. If the caviar is too thick, add a little juice.

Step 9

We shift the caviar into a jar and store in the refrigerator. Tasty and healthy!
