Lettuce, Prunes, Basil, Arugula, Green salad, Salads

Assorted green salad with fried oyster mushrooms and cheese

The main thing in this salad is greens only from the garden. The more types, the better. This salad is just a country salad, because purchased herbs, alas, make it average, but freshly picked ones automatically change the class of snacks, elevating it to the top of taste!


Servings 4
  • oyster mushrooms 300 g
  • cottage cheese soft cheese 8 tsp.
  • lettuce 1 bunch
  • arugula 1 bunch
  • green onion 1 bunch
  • dill 1/2 bunch
  • green basil 1/2 bunch
  • cilantro 1/2 bunch
  • cucumber 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil
  • balsamic sauce


Step 1

Tear oyster mushrooms into large longitudinal pieces and fry for 10 minutes. in vegetable oil. Put on a napkin, let drain excess fat - at the same time and cool down.

Step 2

Sort greens, wash, dry. Coarsely chop the salad. For basil and cilantro, use only the leaves. Chop dill and onion. Cut cucumbers into slices.

Step 3

In a deep bowl, mix greens and cucumbers. Put fried oyster mushrooms in the center. Decorate with curd cheese balls (it is convenient to scoop with a teaspoon). Salt. Season with vegetable oil and pour over the finished balsamic.
