Fish, Garlic, Cutlets, Eggs, Olive oil, Lemon, Fever, Bread, Mint, Peel, Breadcrumbs, Dinner, Diet, Healthy food, Children's menu

Steamed fish cakes with vegetables

Steamed fish cakes with vegetables

In cooking, any kind of seafood and fish is actively used, due to the high content of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body. Delicious casseroles, salads, pies are prepared from cod, it is steamed, grilled, fried with vegetables. Cod meat is juicy, tender, dietary, and most importantly aromatic.


Servings 4
  • fever - 450
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • water - 90-100 ml
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • black bread - 40 g
  • lemon peel - 40 g
  • fresh mint - 40 g
  • salt - to taste
  • breadcrumbs - 100 g
  • olive oil - 40-50 ml


Step 1

Steamed fish cakes with vegetables

To cook juicy and tasty cutlets, you first need to choose the right fish carcass. Then peel it from the skin, cut off the fins and carefully remove the backbone of the fish.

Step 2

Steamed fish cakes with vegetables

Ingredients such as dry aromatic herbs, nutmeg, ground black pepper, and, of course, lemon will not be superfluous. And, so we take a lemon and rub a little zest on a fine grater, do not overdo it, otherwise the smell of lemon will kill the finest fishy aroma. Finely chop the mint.

Step 3

Next, scroll the cod fillet through a meat grinder. We put it in a deep plate and knead it. We leave to stand for 10 minutes so that our minced meat gives juice. 10 minutes have passed, squeeze the minced meat a little and drain the juice. Next, take a small piece of black bread and soak in 100 ml. warm water. Onion, garlic finely chopped. Add 1 chicken egg. First, add our swollen black bread to the minced meat with an egg (knead it). Then add onion, garlic, lemon zest and mint. Salt to taste, mix everything thoroughly. Our stuffing is ready. Now we take a frying pan, add olive oil and begin to form cutlets. To do this, we take the second chicken egg, beat it in a plate until smooth and take the breadcrumbs. We form the cutlets, then gently lower them into the egg and into the breading, and put them in the pan. Fry for 10 minutes over medium heat. Put the finished product on a paper towel for 5 minutes and serve with heat and heat.

Step 4

As a side dish: steamed vegetables. Potatoes, broccoli, carrots and spinach. Clean and cut all vegetables. Put in a special container, salt and pepper, add spices to taste and cook in the “steaming” mode for 20-30 minutes. Once everything is ready, serve the vegetables garnished with herbs and olive oil. Bon appetit and stay healthy!
