Sausages, Picnic recipes, Baby recipe

Smoked sausages with onion marmalade

The main thing in this dish is, of course, onion marmalade. The French again used such an unremarkable bow, and they again turned out a masterpiece! Onion marmalade is suitable not only for smoked sausages, it also perfectly complements any meat, poultry or fish dishes. Onion marmalade can also be served as a sauce for a cheese plate.


  • 900 g smoked sausages
  • 50 g butter
  • 6 large red onions
  • 1 tsp dried thyme
  • 200 g semi-sweet red wine
  • 3 tbsp red wine sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • salt, pepper, herbs to taste


Step 1

Cut the onion into half rings and fry in oil until soft. Pour in wine and vinegar, add thyme, salt and pepper to taste, sugar. Stir, bring to a boil.

Step 2

Put the sausages on the grill, fry until crispy.

Step 3

When serving, sausages can be wrapped in thin pita bread. Serve the sauce separately.
