Steak, Fish, Meat, Beef, Marble beef

Ribeye steak


Servings 1
  • marbled beef, thick edge - 370 g
  • fragrant oil - 20 g
  • mustard sauce - 50 g
  • fresh thyme - 1 g


Step 1

Cut the meat into steaks weighing 370 g. Lubricate the steaks with fragrant oil.

Step 2

To prepare fragrant oil, it must be heated almost to a boil with fresh garlic and thyme, cool.

Step 3

Put the steaks on a preheated grill and fry for 5 minutes. from each side. Remove from grill and let rest for 3-4 minutes. The degree of roasting will be "medium". If you like more fried meat, without blood. Hold the steak for another 4 minutes. on each side, turning more often.

Step 4

Then salt, pepper, grease with fragrant oil and put on a plate. Garnish with a sprig of fresh thyme and serve with mustard sauce.

Step 5

To prepare the sauce, boil the cream and add Dijon mustard, salt and pepper. The sauce is ready.
