Mashed potatoes, Puree, French cuisine

Mashed potatoes by Joel Robuchon

The recipe for this mashed potato is an ageless classic in the author's processing of one of the most prominent representatives of French heute cuisine.


Servings 6
  • 1 kg potatoes for mashing
  • 250 g butter
  • 200 ml of fat milk
  • coarse salt
  • white pepper


Step 1

Wash potatoes, do not peel. Pour 2 liters of cold water into a saucepan, add 1 tbsp. coarse salt, put the potatoes, bring to a boil and cook for 35 minutes.

Step 2

Cut very cold butter into small cubes. Drain the water from the potatoes, peel them, rub through a sieve into a large saucepan, put it on low heat, let the mashed potatoes dry a little while stirring vigorously with a wooden spatula, 2-3 minutes.

Step 3

While continuing to stir vigorously, add oil in portions - it should be absorbed into the potatoes before it melts and forms a puddle.

Step 4

When all the butter has been used, pour in the hot milk, add salt and pepper, mix thoroughly and serve.
