Currant, Jam, Blanks

Currant jam from a bread machine

Recipe for a bread maker with the "jam" program - delicious, beautiful and easy to cook!


  • currant 2 kg
  • sugar 1.6 kg


Step 1

Somehow I somehow missed the moment that my cotton, which I have had for 10 years, has the “Jam” program ... I have never used it and now I decided to fix this matter. Pour berries and sugar into cotton and turn on the “Jam” program, for me it is 1 hour 30 minutes.

Step 2

At the output, we get such a beautiful and useful product (by the way, in the program it doesn’t come to a boil, which means the vitamins are whole). Pour into clean jars and ... everything!) If you like it sweeter, then sugar can be increased 1:1 or 1:1.5.
