This dessert has been popular in Russian cuisine since the end of the 18th century. In 1795 G.A. Der-
Zhavin mentioned him in a poem
creation "Invitation to Dinner".
Mix cream with sugar and vanilla, reduce by half. Strain and put on ice. While stirring, pour in the lemon juice. When the mixture (kaymak) has cooled down enough, put a layer of wafers on a cold dish, put mashed apricots on them. Pour over the kaimak, then again put a layer of waffles, apricots and kaimak. Level the surface and sides, cool in the refrigerator. Decorate with a dome of caramel, for which on a spherical inverted shape, oiled, apply a grid of threads of hot caramel, cool and carefully remove. Chocolate sauce can be served separately. BTW This dessert has been popular in Russian cuisine since the end of the 18th century. In 1795 G.A. Derzhavin mentioned him in the poem "Invitation to Dinner".