Stuffed peppers in a slow cooker

Stuffed peppers in a slow cooker


The classic recipe for stuffed peppers can be made more interesting if you cook the dish in a multicooker. The mince includes meat, rice and fried vegetables. If desired, the peppers can be cooked in a multicooker not in tomato sauce, but in sour cream sauce. Simmer the peppers for at least 45 minutes so that the meat turns out tender and juicy.

Step 1

Stuffed peppers in a slow cooker

Prepare the pepper filling. Fry the carrots and onions in a frying pan with vegetable oil for 5 minutes. Add the champignons to the pan. Mix the rice, fried vegetables, minced meat and spices.

Step 2

Stuffed peppers in a slow cooker

Stuff the peppers and cook them in a multicooker. Stuff the peppers with the stuffing and put them in the multicooker bowl. Add tomato paste and fill the bowl halfway with boiled water. Select the "Stewing" mode for 45 minutes.