Very tasty and healthy transforming sandwiches that can change their taste as easily as a chameleon color.
Rub the chicken breast with a mixture of salt, pepper and butter. Put to bake until golden brown (30-40 minutes at a temperature of 150°C, and another 10 minutes under the grill at 200°C).
Hard-boil eggs (hard white, hard yolk) (7-8 minutes). Cool down.
Mash the avocado and eggs with a fork (or with a blender), reserving the egg for garnish. add olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, mix again to make a homogeneous paste.
Finely chop the cucumber, tomatoes, egg, cooked chicken breast. Prepare greens.
Spread the finished mass on rye bread, and randomly place the rest of the ingredients on top to taste. Experiments are welcome :-) Decorate with sprigs of greenery.