Salad with grapefruit and shrimps

Salad with grapefruit and shrimps


Light shrimp salad with barely perceptible sourness.

Step 1

Pour the salad mixture into a bowl. We take a separate bowl and pre-thawed shrimp and pour dressing of wine vinegar, grapefruit zest, olive oil, salt, pepper.

Step 2

We cut off the peel of the grapefruit and carefully cut the slices with a knife so that there are no films and white peel. And sends it to a bowl of salad. From the remaining films with pieces of grapefruit, you can squeeze the juice into the dressing.

Step 3

We clean the avocado, laying in a bowl with the juice of one lemon, cut into cubes and mix with the juice so that they do not darken.

Step 4

Combine all parts of our salad in one bowl and mix.