Raisin Cookies

Raisin Cookies


Cookies are one of the most popular desserts. Today, these baked goods have many variations of dough and filling. Cookies with raisins are a treat familiar from childhood. Raisins have a pleasant sourness, the sweetness of this dried fruit will reduce the sugar content in the dessert. The recipe can be supplemented with nuts.

Step 1

Raisin Cookies

Mix sugar, eggs, baking powder, salt and melted butter thoroughly.

Step 2

Raisin Cookies

Add clean and dried raisins to the resulting mass.

Step 3

Raisin Cookies

Sift the flour. Add it to the bowl and mix thoroughly.

Step 4

Raisin Cookies

Make sure the dough is homogeneous.

Step 5

Raisin Cookies

Line a baking dish with special paper and lay out the dough. Bake for 10-12 minutes.

Step 6

Raisin Cookies

Remove the cookies from the oven and let cool.