Pie with dried apricots, prunes and lemon

Pie with dried apricots, prunes and lemon


Pie with dried apricots, prunes and lemon will certainly appeal to all lovers of dried fruits. This pastry, in our opinion, has a very harmonious, not at all sugary taste, which is ideally complemented by the exquisite sourness of lemon. The pie is made from yeast dough, which in this case does not require long proofing. Solid advantages that will convince even a not-so-big fan of messing with pastries to try this recipe. Make a cake with dried apricots, prunes and lemon and make sure that it is worthy to enter the top list of your favorite family recipes.

Step 1

Pie with dried apricots, prunes and lemon

Prepare the pie dough. Cut the butter into small cubes, transfer to a bowl and leave for 30 minutes at room temperature. Heat milk to 35°C. Add dry yeast and stir. Cover with a tissue and leave at room temperature for 15 minutes.

Step 2

Pie with dried apricots, prunes and lemon

Rub soft butter with flour and sugar (100 g). Pour in the yeast mixture, add the vanilla extract and knead the pie dough. Form three balls out of it (two identical, one slightly larger), wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Step 3

Pie with dried apricots, prunes and lemon

Wash the lemons thoroughly with a brush and, together with the peel, pass through a meat grinder. Pour the remaining sugar into a saucepan, cover with water and boil the syrup (10 minutes over medium heat). Add lemons and, stirring constantly, cook for 15-20 minutes. Let cool.

Step 4

Pie with dried apricots, prunes and lemon

Wash prunes and dried apricots for the filling and put in a bowl. Pour in boiling water so that it completely covers the dried fruits. Leave for 10 minutes at room temperature.

Step 5

Pie with dried apricots, prunes and lemon

Roll out a large ball of dough into a round cake and place it in a mold. Spread the lemon jam you prepared earlier. Roll the remaining balls of dough into cakes as well. Put one on the jam and then spread the prunes and dried apricots over it. Cover with the third tortilla and seal the edges with the first and second.

Step 6

Pie with dried apricots, prunes and lemon

Brush the top of the pie with a lightly beaten egg yolk. Bake for 30 minutes at 175°C. Let cool slightly and serve. The top of the cake can be sprinkled with sugar or powdered sugar.