Peppers stuffed with meat and rice in a saucepan

Peppers stuffed with meat and rice in a saucepan


A daily and festive dish at the same time - stuffed peppers! Everyone loves them, they are not ashamed to serve them to guests, and they are delicious!!!

Step 1

Cooking minced meat. Grind meat in a meat grinder.

Step 2

Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, salt. At the same time, rinse the rice well and put it in boiling water. The proportions of water-rice are not important here, we just need to boil the rice a little (until half cooked), drain the water and leave it to cool.

Step 3

In a frying pan, heat the oil (as usual, I have coconut oil, you can use vegetable oil without smell). Finely chop the onion, three carrots on a coarse grater. We put everything in a pan and fry until a beautiful golden color. You can sprinkle with your favorite seasonings. Let it cool down a bit.

Step 4

Add rice, carrots, onions, salt, pepper to minced meat - mix well. No bread and eggs! Now the most important thing is to get a "soft" filling in peppers, minced meat must be diluted with water. Add 3-4 tbsp to start. l. boiled water at room temperature, stir. Minced meat should be loose, much thinner than cutlets, but it should not flow either. Everything, minced meat is ready!

Step 5

We take the peppers, wash them, cut off the "butt", clean from the seeds. We stuff the peppers. We put it in a large thick-walled pan or, alternatively, in the freezer. This is a great solution for those lucky people who have freezers.

Step 6

We're preparing the sauce. We place the tomatoes in the juice along with the juice in a blender and grind into a puree. Pour boiled (possibly hot) water into the same bowl, add a little salt and a little sugar, as well as a spoonful of sour cream. Mix. This is a preparation of the sauce, then we will bring it with water later.

Step 7

Boil a kettle of water. On the peppers laid in the pan (by the way, they need to be laid tightly, with the tops up, they should not hang out in the pan), pour our sauce billet and bring it from the kettle with boiling water to the level "all peppers are hidden, only the tops stick out." We put on the maximum fire, we wait for boiling. When it boils, transfer to a fire slightly below average, cut the chili pepper (add pepper to your taste !!) and add to the pan, there is also a couple of tablespoons of sour cream, and adjust the salt level to your taste. Cover with a lid and simmer for 40-60 minutes. 10 minutes before readiness, add peppercorns and bay leaf. It is important that the peppers in the sauce should barely boil, not allow a rapid boil. The result is an incredible taste, a real homemade and beloved by many dish! And the smell .... Well, and whoever is not too lazy and prepares the freezing of such peppers, it’s generally cool - he got it, thawed it, put it out. Delicious, fast, healthy!