Microwave French Fries

Microwave French Fries


You can cook French fries in the microwave so that they turn out no worse than deep-fried ones. The advantage of this cooking method is that you don’t have to use a lot of oil. The recipe is simple: just take frozen potatoes and make a homemade side dish for meat. French fries in the microwave will turn out very tasty and crispy.

Step 1

Microwave French Fries

Prepare the potatoes for cooking. Sprinkle the potatoes with vegetable oil and add paprika. Stir.

Step 2

Microwave French Fries

Cook French fries in the microwave. Place the French fries in one layer on a large plate. Microwave for 10-15 minutes at maximum power (700 kW). Wait for the beep. Salt the cooked potatoes. Cook all the frozen potatoes in this way.