A great dish for a winter dinner.
Knead a stiff dough like dumplings from flour, eggs, water and salt. Leave to rest for 30 minutes, covered with cling film.
Prepare minced meat by mixing it with egg, salt and pepper. Mix well and beat off.
Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into half rings.
Roll out the dough into a large thin cake and put the minced meat on it. Roll the cake into a roll. Then cut the roll into 4-5 cm thick washers.
Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan or high-sided frying pan and heat.
Put carrots and onions in a heated pan and fry. When the onion becomes transparent, pour in the broth, heat, stirring. Set aside 1/3 of the sauce to cover the top of the strudel.
Arrange strudel pucks on a bed of vegetables. The liquid should cover them by 1/2. Add broth if necessary.
Put the rest of the sauce with vegetables on top. Cover the pan (stewpan) with a lid with a hole and simmer the strudel for 25 minutes.
Serve with dill and sour cream!