Our recipe for classic salted cucumbers will especially appeal to those who are just starting their journey to the honorary title of “preparation master”. There is nothing complicated in preparing such an appetizer, and it will take only about a day to “ripen” it. In the recipe, we use only currant and cherry leaves, but if you add oak leaves to them, as well as horseradish root, then lightly salted cucumbers will become stronger and crispier. If we talk about dill, then they, like porridge with butter, will not spoil the snack. Therefore, if you want, add more of it: the recipe for classic lightly salted cucumbers will only benefit from this!
Prepare cucumbers for pickling according to the classic recipe. To do this, select small, strong fruits, wash with running water and dry well on paper towels. Cut off the ends.
Peel the garlic cloves and chop coarsely. Wash currant and cherry leaves, as well as dill "umbrellas" and dry them well, spreading them on paper towels.
Sterilize a jar for pickling cucumbers in any way you know. At the bottom, lay 2 leaves of cherries and currants, a few peppercorns, an “umbrella” of dill and a little garlic.
Prepare pickle pickle. Pour water into a saucepan. Add salt and bay leaf. Bring to a boil. Simmer for 5 minutes, remove from heat and let cool slightly.
Place the prepared cucumbers in a jar in layers, interspersed with the remaining leaves of cherries and currants, dill, garlic and peppercorns. Top with "umbrellas" of dill.
Fill the cucumbers with brine almost to the edge of the jar. Let cool, cover with a plastic lid and store in a cool place. After about 24 hours, lightly salted cucumbers will be ready.