Wash cherries, pat dry and remove pits. Mix cream and sugar in a bowl. Separate the whites from the yolks of 3 eggs, put the whites in the refrigerator. Pour the yolks into a bowl, add the remaining 2 whole eggs, cream with sugar, mix well. Gradually add flour and baking powder to the mixture, knead the dough. When the dough becomes homogeneous, add the kirsch and milk. Beat the remaining proteins in a strong foam, add to the dough last. Grease a mold with a diameter of 24 cm, pour in a third of the dough, put half of the cherry on it, pour another third of the dough on top. Then add the rest of the cherries and pour the remaining dough. Preheat the oven to 200ºС and bake the cake for 45-50 minutes. Remove the finished cake from the pan onto a wire rack and let cool completely.