Cherry tincture

Cherry tincture


Cherry liqueur is a tasty but quite strong drink. The recipe involves steeping cherries in vodka. It is easy to make liqueur at home, you just need to choose the berries and quality vodka. You can use both fresh and frozen cherries. The main thing is that the berries are as ripe as possible. Cherry liqueur helps with colds, has a calming effect on the nervous system and improves metabolism.

Step 1

Cherry tincture

Prepare the cherries for infusion. To do this, place the washed cherries in a clean jar. Sprinkle sugar on top and stir so that the sugar is evenly distributed among the berries. Leave the berries with sugar to stand in a warm place for 3-4 hours. Then mix all the berries well together with the juice.

Step 2

Cherry tincture

Make cherry liqueur. Pour vodka into a jar with cherries and close the lid. Put the jar in a dark, cool place for 3-4 weeks. Shake the liqueur several times a week. This is necessary so that the drink is brighter and richer.

Step 3

Cherry tincture

Strain the cherry tincture. After 3-4 weeks, strain the tincture through several layers of gauze, pour into bottles and close with lids.