Cake with pineapple and strawberry jam

Cake with pineapple and strawberry jam


Step 1

Cake with pineapple and strawberry jam

Thaw the layer of puff pastry and cut into 4 squares and 8 thin strips.

Step 2

Cake with pineapple and strawberry jam

Line a baking sheet with parchment. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place squares on a baking sheet. Lubricate with strawberry jam (do not grease the edges) and lay out the pineapple pieces. Twist each strip into a flagellum. Cover each cake with 2 flagella, press the edges. Grease the top and around the edges of the cakes with yolk and send to bake.

Step 3

Cake with pineapple and strawberry jam

Prepare glaze: 1 tbsp. l. (without a slide) powdered sugar add 2 tbsp. l. pineapple liquid and mix. Grease ready-made hot cakes with icing.