Borscht with sorrel and egg

Borscht with sorrel and egg


The national dish of Slavic cuisine is, of course, borscht. This dish is cooked all over the world and is often associated with either Russia or Eastern European countries. This borscht recipe is quite unusual and original. To prepare it, you will need a classic set of vegetables, as well as chicken breast for a rich broth! Borscht with sorrel and egg will be a great variety for your dinner table.

Step 1

Borscht with sorrel and egg

Cut the potatoes into medium-sized cubes. Grate the carrots and chop the onions.

Step 2

Borscht with sorrel and egg

Cut the leek into rings. Chop the garlic and sorrel.

Step 3

Borscht with sorrel and egg

Cut the chicken breast into medium sized pieces.

Step 4

Borscht with sorrel and egg

Take a saucepan, pour water into it, put in the chopped chicken breast and boil with bay leaf.

Step 5

Borscht with sorrel and egg

Take a frying pan and grease it with vegetable oil. Put carrots, onions, garlic and leeks to fry.

Step 6

Borscht with sorrel and egg

After 20 minutes of boiling water, add chopped potatoes to the breast fillet. Add finely chopped sorrel to the pan.

Step 7

Borscht with sorrel and egg

Add the fried carrots and onions to the pan. Mix all the ingredients and cook for another 10-15 minutes.

Step 8

Borscht with sorrel and egg

Cut the boiled chicken egg into medium-sized pieces. Add the chopped chicken egg to the pan. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste.